Tutoring, please...


Tutoring, please...

  • We offer free, one-on-one and group tutoring in a private, friendly, professional environment. Your tutor will be a fellow UCCS student with training in communication so they have a stake in helping you succeed! Whether it is Public Speaking, Group Presentations, Mock Interviews, or Group Project Facilitation, we can help you improve your presentation skills, gain confidence, and learn skills that will benefit you personally and professionally throughout your life.

    1. We offer a variety of days and times to accommodate your busy life and schedule. You can log on to our online scheduler 24 hours a day to select the appointment time that works best for you. From your phone, tablet, or any computer, go to https://uccs.mywconline.net to schedule time with the tutor of your choice. You will receive a confirmation email at your UCCS email address that offers details regarding your appointment. Please read that email thoroughly.

    2. Upon arriving at the Center, one of our friendly administrative assistants will greet you, help you sign-in, and inform your peer tutor of your arrival.

    3. The peer tutor with whom you scheduled your appointment can show you to one of our private appointment rooms to practice, view your speech, simulate a job interview, or help your team get on track for a group project.

    4. In the online scheduler you will have reserved either a 30 or 60-minute time slot (depending on the type of appointment you need) where your tutor's only concern is helping you achieve your academic goal. If you need more time than the appointment allows, you can schedule another time to come back for further assistance on the same, or other, topics.

    5. As part of your appointment, you will always receive feedback from your peer tutor about simple things to do that will make a difference in your presentation. Some UCCS professors require that you hand in feedback sheets in order to receive credit for your appointment in the Center, and our tutors will accommodate that need. Please let your tutor know if you have any questions or unresolved concerns prior to leaving your appointment.

    6. We help you with communication, so please help us with customer service. We love to hear wonderful things, and in order to continuously improve we need constructive feedback. Therefore, we ask that before you leave the Center, you take just a moment to provide us with feedback on your tutoring experience.

    7. Everyone in the center is here for you, so please feel free to make a connection with our Director or Assistant Director when you are in the Center.

    Don't Delay, Schedule Today:

    • Just like any other customer service oriented center, appointments can fill up quickly. PLEASE MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS WELL IN ADVANCE to ensure that you have the time and day that works best for your schedule and assignments.

    • Because we have set aside this time specifically for you, if you are 10 minutes late to your appointment you will have to reschedule.

    • Rescheduling your appointment - we understand that things come up and you may need to reschedule your appointment. Please log on to https://uccs.mywconline.net/ at least ½ hour BEFORE your scheduled appointment if you need to reschedule. Many students are waiting for an appointment to open, so please be courteous and cancel as soon as you realize you cannot make your appointment.

    • Three missed (not rescheduled within the time limit) appointments will lock your ability to make future appointments without approval from the center Director.

  • Please come prepared to work! This is your time to utilize the skills of a trained, enthusiastic peer tutor.
    You will need:

    • Your syllabus or assignment sheet from your professor, so that the tutor can tailor the feedback specifically for your assignment
    • For In-Center Mock Interviews and Virtual Mock Interviews - please submit your resume, cover letter and job description at least 48 hours before your scheduled interview, to the following email address: cec@uccs.edu
    • For assistance with your outline - please bring a working document of what you have accomplished so far. For example, if you scheduled an outlining appointment, give it your best shot before you come in so that a peer tutor can help you move even further along in the process. Please do not expect your tutor to give you topic ideas or build your outline from the ground in a 30-minute appointment. So, help us help you by giving your tutor something to work with.
    • For help with PowerPoint, Prezi, or post-presentation viewings, please bring with you any electronic visual aid on a flash drive so that your peer tutor can offer you feedback.

    REMEMBER: Our peer tutors are here to help you - your work does not have to be perfect. Please know that every student has different levels of expertise and success. It is the job of the peer tutors at the Excel Communication Center to meet you where YOU are!

    Go to Geek Prank and try the online Windows XP simulator, play with the classic Minesweeper and Tetris games or listen to some music.

  • It's easy to schedule tutoring sessions from your phone, tablet, or computer. Just go to https://uccs.mywconline.net, register using your UCCS student email address, and schedule your appointment! If you would like help registering for a WC Online account, come by the Center located in Columbine Hall, Room 312, during our regular business hours.

  • Yes, we do offer online tutoring by appointment! Please stop by the Communication Center located at Columbine Hall, Room 312, call us at (719)255-4770, or email us at: cec@uccs.edu

    Online Tutor